Friday, September 24, 2010

Vampire Game


Vampire game is  a book for young adults who love vampires and magic this manga is about a girl named Ishtar she finds a small lion thing and names him duzzie she then finds out he is the vampire king well i can't say anything else cause the rest is to good to tell so go read VAMPIRE GAME
I give vampire game a 9 star count cause it is a yaoi type book and i love yaoi it's so funny to look at ha ha
so read VAMPIRE GAME! because it will make you laugh your butt off

Thursday, September 23, 2010



Okay i know the cover looks weird but it's the one i read I recommend YU-GI-OH to anime lovers who like card games,magic,and monsters this book is very interesting it is basically about a boy named yugi who for some reason becomes the greatest duelist in the world with his millennium puzzle h can turn into yami and ancient Pharaoh who was once the greatest duelist in ancient Egypt where card games where made.

I give YU-GI-OH 8stars because i didn't like it that much it has a long story line i like the graphics the long story is good in all but i like reading a short series.

Kingdom Hearts


Ah Kingdom hearts a great manga and an awesome video game.Kingdom hearts is about a boy named Sora who is chosen by the key blade to protect other world (the Disney world) he does not know why he is chosen.He was a normal kid who lived on destiny island with his parents and his friends Riku and Kairi but when the darkness falls over the island Sora,Riku,and Kairi are separated......

I give kingdom hearts 9 stars for it touched my heart at the end of kingdom hearts one but kingdom hearts 2 is really a great moment i can't wait to play kingdom hearts:birth by sleep WOOHOO i just can't wait!!!

Fullmetal Alchemist


Full metal alchemist is a great alchemy story about a boy named Edward and his brother Al he travels around his land to look for the philosopher stone at first edward and al's mother dies of a rare sickness and they try to bring her back to life with the gift of alchemy but it doesn't seem to work al was sucked into the alchemy circle and edward lost his leg and arm he tries to brong al back but all he does is put al's soul into a giant metal suit they must find the stone so they can have normal bodies again.

i give Fullemetal alchemist  a 10 star vote this anime/manga made me cry because all i could see was my sister and me fighting for our lives like that Hiromu Arakawa is a great writer i will always love Fullmetal alchemist.

Vampire Knight


Vampire knight is a great story for anime lovers or young teens who like vampires.drama,romance,and action it's about a girl named yuki who wakes up and finds out her parents are dead she doesn't know where she is or what she is she has no idea how to get dressed but as years go by she learns how to be a normal girl.You are going to have to read all the books to find out there are 10 in the series.

i give Vampire knight 5 stars for it's great drama a great story line and great graphics ha ha well i hope Matsuri Hino writes another series for this manga and anime cause it is way off the chart just like Naruto.


Naruto is a great manga about a boy who faces life in a different way then others in his village.Naruto is a loving kid who only wants everyone in his village to respect him and honor what he does he doesn't want to be seen as a boy who is not human and maybe people will look up to him.
I love the way Masashi Kishomoto designed this manga which is now a huge worldwide best seller
I hope every anime lover on earth will pick Naruto as they number one anime for it really touches your heart to learn about the struggles naruto goes through and the friends he meets and don't forget his enemies i give Naruto 5 stars for it has touched my heart and i hope it touches everyone Else's heart.